Toyger 发表于 2011-10-10 13:38

孤岛危机2网战各种技巧完整中英文列表 Cleaner
清道夫Get 1 of each Skill Kill
First Strike - Get the first kill of the match首次打击:获得比赛中首杀 Blind Fury - Kill an enemy while you are stunned by a flashbang grenade (Can flashbang yourself)大发雷霆:在你被闪光弹闪到之后杀一个敌人(自己闪自己也可以) Dead Air - Kill an enemy when they are in the air停播时间:杀一个正在空中的敌人 Specter - Stealth kill an enemy幽灵:隐身暗杀一名敌人 Headshot - Kill an enemy with a headshot猎头:爆一名敌人的头 Double Kill - Get 2 consecutive kills within a few seconds二连杀:在数秒内二连杀 Triple Kill - Get 3 consecutive kills within a few seconds三连杀:在数秒内三连杀 Relentless - Get 4 consecutive kills within a few seconds冷酷无情:在数秒内四连杀 Psycho - Get 5 consecutive kills within a few seconds疯子(亦指1代主角):在数秒内五连杀 Vengeance - Kill the enemy who most recently killed you复仇:杀掉那个最近杀你最多次的敌人 Puncture - Kill an enemy by shooting through an object刺穿:射穿物体杀死敌人 Blinding - Kill an enemy that is stunned by a flashbang grenade目眩神迷:杀死一个被闪光弹闪到的敌人 Combined Fire - Damage an enemy with your primary weapon then switch to pistol and kill them组合火力:用主武器打掉敌人点血然后换手枪干掉 Road Rage - Kick a car at an enemy and kill them公路暴怒:把车踢起压死一个敌人 Denied - Kill an enemy when they are 1 Dog Tag away from acquiring a killstreak否决:杀死一个还差一枚狗牌就可得连杀奖励的敌人 Busted - Kill an enemy when they are in stealth mode破除:杀死一个处于隐身状态的敌人 Defiant - Kill an enemy when you are near death目中无人:在你快死的时候杀死一个敌人 Smackdown - Melee kill an enemy击倒:肉搏干倒一个敌人 Resurgence - Get a kill after a death streak (Unknown how many deaths.assuming 5?)风云再起:连续多次被杀后夺得一杀(可能5次被杀) Wingman - Protect a team mate (protect a team mate in an objective)护佑:保护一名队友 Guardian - Kill an enemy who is shooting a team mate before they kill that team mate守护:在一个敌人杀死你队友前干掉他 Flushed - Kill an enemy after they've been hit with a frag grenade脸红:杀死一个被手雷炸伤的敌人 Intervention - Kill an enemy who is shooting a team mate in the back干涉:杀死正在射击你队友背部的敌人
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