英汉大词典(第 2 版)» A good dictionary can aid language learning. 一部好词典有助于语言学习。
2012 年,兰登书屋(Random House)和培生(Pearson)旗下的企鹅出版集团(Penguin Books)合并,组成企鹅兰登书屋(Penguin Random House)。单就纸质书籍而论,兰登书屋是世界上最大的出版社,年销售额数十亿美元。2000 年,兰登书屋就解散了词典部门,其旗舰词典售给 dictionary.com 继续更新。让我们回顾下兰登在英语词典方面的功绩。 以下资料均整理自互联网,请批判性参考。 1927 Random House 成立 1940s Random House 获得 [CD]Century Dictionary 版权。 ![](http://wx3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/006alh7oly1fk8xtgmrsij302s045q3c.jpg)
1947 [ACD]American College Dictionary 出版, Clarence Barnhart 操刀(也是后来的 [WBD] World Book Dictionary 主编),主要基于 CD 缩略版 The New Century Dictionary。ACD 耗时数年,耗资 $500,000 ,Random House 因此负债累累,不过 ACD 后来证明是巨大的成功,打了个漂亮的翻身仗。 1961 年 Merriam-Webster 出版了 [W3] Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged ,争议颇多,Random House 老大 Bennett Cerf 看到了机会,决定将 ACD 扩编为一本 unabridged 词典。4 年耗资至少 400 万美金,最多时候有超过 400 人为该词典工作。 ![](http://wx4.sinaimg.cn/mw690/006alh7oly1fk8xtgzwwwj306f09mdfz.jpg)
1966 [RHDEL or RHUD]The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged Edition,2091-page, Jess Stein[editor-in-chief] & Laurence Urdang,是第一本在编纂和排版中使用计算机的词典。 1968 The Random House Dictionary of the English Language College Edition, 1568-page,词典更新频繁,名字之后也有所变化,但都是基于 RHUD 进行缩编。 1973 小学館ランダムハウス英和大辞典,是 RHEDL 的日语翻译版 1975 [RHCD]The Random House College Dictionary, 1603-page 1987 The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, 2nd Edition, Unabridged , 2478-page, Stuart Berg Flexner 任主编,请注意,此时,词典名里尚无 Webster's 字样。 ![](http://wx2.sinaimg.cn/mw690/006alh7oly1fk8xthfuppj306e08wt8u.jpg)
1991 [RHWCD]Random House Webster’s College Dictionary,因为名字里的 Webster’s ,被 Merriam-Webster 起诉,但 Random House 胜诉,自此在词典中使用 Webster’s 。 ![](http://wx4.sinaimg.cn/mw690/006alh7oly1fk8xthvl0xj3078097weu.jpg)
1993 小学館ランダムハウス英和大辞典第二版 1997 ,蓝登书屋韦氏英汉大学词典,蓝本为 1984 年版 Random House College Dictionary,编译耗时 6 年
注:当时将 Random House 翻译为“蓝登书屋”。 ![](http://wx3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/006alh7oly1fk8xti7nifj306s09r74g.jpg)
Charles M. Levine(@Word_Dude) Random House 前词典编辑,现 dictionary.com & kdictionaries.com 顾问(这两家分别持有 RHWUD 、RHWCD 版权)I remember rather vividly when I traveled to mainland China in 1997 to attend the launch by Commercial Press of Beijing of the Chinese edition of the College dictionary. I believe they worked on the Chinese translation for more than a decade. I was treated at the launch ceremony like a visiting dignitary, so much so, I was told, that an attending cultural attaché from our own American embassy wondered aloud who I was and why I was considered so important. This little American status dance highlighted for me the general lack of understanding, as I perceived it, of the importance of dictionaries in our own culture. What were words worth, really? Could you get rich compiling and publishing dictionaries? If not, then why bother?
And, by the way, later that same year, Commercial Press informed Random House that then Chinese President, Jiang Zemin, on his first state visit to Washington, D.C., brought a copy of the Chinese edition of the RHWCD as a gift to President Clinton. It seems that dictionaries did and do matter to some people.
1997 年,长者访美,赠送此典给克林顿总统。 1998 Random House 被贝塔斯曼收购 2000 年,Random House 宣布关闭词典部门,不过在这之后,仍出版印刷了 RHWUD、RHWCD。 ![](http://wx4.sinaimg.cn/mw690/006alh7oly1fk8xtilobaj30a50dvgm0.jpg)
2010 The Random House Webster’s College Dictionary 电子版权售予 Kernerman 公司(Kdictionaries.com)。 ![](http://wx2.sinaimg.cn/mw690/006alh7oly1fk8xtjgtvij309v0dr74r.jpg)
2016 兰登书屋韦氏大学英语词典,商务印书馆国际有限公司。实际这本词典版权以及相关编纂、更新,都是 Kernerman 公司在操作,兰登书屋只是署名而已。这本词典相比兰登书屋自家编辑的版本,最大的特点是音标为国际音标。
Random House 词典人物- Bennett Cerf (1898 - 1971),Random House 联合创始人,Let’s do a dictionary!
- Clarence Barnhart(1900 - 1993)
- Jess Stein (1914 - 1984),1982 年退休
- Laurence Urdang(1927 - 2008),除了 RHUD ,Collins English Dictionary(1979 年第 1 版)的编纂出版他也居功至伟
- Stuart Berg Flexner(1928 - 1990 ),Jess Stein 继任者,1980 - 1989 任主编