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[专栏] 【042】新牛津双解第2版中的153个sentence adverbs(句子副词)

发表于 2017-9-24 23:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


记单词的一个重要方法就是分门别类。今天我们就看看 sentence adverb (也叫 disjunct )这类。
英汉大词典(第 2 版)
sentence adverb 【语】(修饰整句话的)句副词
sentence adverb 【语言】 (整)句副词
牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第 8 版)
ˈsentence adverb
noun (grammar 语法) an adverb that expresses the speaker’s attitude towards, or gives the subject of, the whole of the rest of the sentence 句副词
» In ‘Luckily, I didn’t tell anyone’ and ‘Financially, we have a serious problem’, ‘luckily’ and ‘financially’ are sentence adverbs. 在句子 Luckily, I didn’t tell anyone 和 Financially, we have a serious problem 中,luckily 和 financially 是句副词。
评:《牛高》对 sentence adverb 的释义有点绕,但是给了一个例句辅助我们理解,我们再看看其他学习型词典的解释。
朗文当代高级英语辞典(英英·英汉双解)(第 5 版)
an adverb that relates to the whole sentence that contains it 句子副词
柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典
句子副词 Adverbs such as ‘fortunately’ and ‘perhaps’ which apply to the whole clause, rather than to part of it, are sometimes called sentence adverbs .
an adverb that affects the meaning of a whole sentence (影响整个句子含义的)句子副词
Kernerman Advanced English Dictionary
an adverb that relates to a whole sentence and not to a word (verb, adjective or adverb) within the sentence:
» In the sentence, ‘Obviously, he is the murderer.’, ‘Obviously’ is a sentence adverb.
Merriam-Webster Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary
an adverb that limits or describes the meaning of an entire statement rather than just a single word or phrase
» “Similarly” and “hopefully” often function as sentence adverbs.
评:个人觉得学习型词典中 MWALED 对 sentence adverb 的释义最清楚。
明确地标注“sentence adverb”的词典不多。
  • 朗文当代高级英语辞典(英英·英汉双解)(第 4 版)中有 102 处 sentence adverb 。
  • 新牛津英汉双解大词典(第 2 版)中有 153 个。
我将《新牛津》中标注为 sentence adverb 的 153 个单词,整理如下,其实大部分词都是高频词,特别需要说明:
  • a posteriori、allowedly 两个词无例句
  • 有的词除了可以做 sentence adverb ,还可以做普通的副词,甚至还有其他词性
  • 全部阅读完毕大概需要半个小时,我觉得是值得的,对写作有帮助哦
  • 词头为手敲,虽然检查了两次,可能还会有错
► a posteriori
► accordingly: there was no breach of the rules; accordingly, there will be no disciplinary inquiry. 没有违规; 因此也不会在纪律上查究。
► actually: he actually expected me to be pleased about it! 他居然还希望我能为之高兴!
► additionally: additionally, many countries levy taxes that do not apply in Britain. 此外, 许多国家征收英国并未实施的税款。
► admittedly: admittedly, the salary was not wonderful but the duties were light 诚然, 薪水不是很高, 但是工作很轻松
► again: I never saw any signs, but then again, maybe I wasn’t looking. 我从没看到什么标记, 不过再说, 我可能当时也没在看。
► allegedly: he was allegedly a leading participant in the coup attempt. 据说他是政变阴谋的主要参与者。
► allowedly
► also: also, a car’s very expensive to run. 另外, 开小汽车也很昂贵。
► alternatively: alternatively, you may telephone us direct if you wish. 或者, 你愿意的话可以直接打电话给我们。
► altogether: altogether it was a great evening. 总的来说这是个美好的夜晚。
► amazingly: amazingly, Alan escaped with a few cuts and bruises 令人惊讶的是, 阿兰只是划了几道口子和有几处擦伤就逃脱了
► apparently: the child nodded, apparently content with the promise. 孩子点了点头, 看来他对这个许诺还满意。
► appropriately: appropriately, the first recital will be given at the festival. 第一次独奏音乐会将在这一节日里举行, 这样安排很妥当。
► apropos: Isabel kept smiling apropos of nothing. 伊莎贝尔无缘无故地微笑着。
► arguably: she is arguably the greatest woman tennis player of all time. 她可能是有史以来最伟大的女子网球手。
► assuredly: if they lose their hold, they will assuredly drown. 如果他们松手, 肯定会淹死。
► basically: I basically played the same thing every night. 大致说来我每天晚上都播放同样的东西。
► besides: I had no time to warn you. Besides, I wasn’t sure. 我没时间提醒你。而且, 我也不太确定。
► bizarrely: bizarrely enough, she began to take them seriously. 令人不可思议的是, 她开始认真对待这些事情了。
► briefly: briefly, the plot is as follows … 简而言之, 情节如下…
► broadly: broadly speaking, the risks are as follows. 大体上说, 风险大致如下。
► certainly: the prestigious address certainly adds to the firm’s appeal. 这个久负盛名的地址肯定会增强公司的吸引力。
► clearly: clearly, there have been disasters and reversals here. 很明显, 这里曾遭受灾难和挫折。
► conincidentally: coincidentally, we had both left our previous jobs on the same day. 我们俩在同一天离职, 这真是太巧了。
► conceivably: it may conceivably cause liver disease. 可以想像, 这可能会导致肝脏疾病。
► conceptually: conceptually, this is a complex process 从概念上讲, 这是个复杂的过程
► contrariwise: contrariwise, a registered person may vote, even if not entitled to be registered. 反之, 即使没有资格成为登记选民, 已登记的人还是可以投票。
► conveniently: he lived, conveniently, in Paris. 他住在巴黎, 很方便。
► curiously: curiously, I find snooker riveting 奇怪的是, 我发现桌球很有吸引力
► disappointingly: disappointingly, my German failed to improve. 令人失望的是, 我的德语未能有所长进。
► doubtless: doubtless you’ll solve the problem 你必定会解决这个问题。
► economically: the region is important economically. 该地区在经济上很重要。
► effectively: effectively, this means that companies will be able to avoid regulations 实际上, 这就意味着公司将可能不受监管
► emphatically: Greg is emphatically not a slacker. 格雷格绝对不是一个偷懒的人。
► encouragingly: encouragingly, there is more research being done today 令人鼓舞的是, 如今正在开展更多的研究
► equally: not all who live in inner cities are poor; equally, many poor people live outside inner cities. 并非所有住在市中心的人都很穷; 同样重要的是, 市中心以外的地区也住着许多穷人。
► ergo: she was the sole beneficiary of the will, ergo the prime suspect. 她是遗嘱的唯一受益人, 所以是头号嫌疑犯。
► essentially: essentially, they are amateurs. 从本质上说, 他们是业余爱好者。
► ethically: is capitalism ethically justifiable? 资本主义在道义上能被证明是正当的吗?
► ethnically: Denmark is ethnically Scandinavian. 丹麦在民族文化渊源上是个斯堪的纳维亚国家。
► eventually: eventually, after midnight, I arrived at the hotel. 我终于在午夜后到达了旅馆。
► evidently: evidently Mrs Smith thought differently. 显然, 史密斯夫人有不同看法。
► finally: finally, it is common knowledge that travel broadens the horizons. 最后, 旅行能开阔眼界, 这是人尽皆知的事。
► formally: all Javanese are formally Muslims. 所有爪哇人理论上都是穆斯林。
► formerly: the building formerly housed the National Assembly. 国民议会从前设在这幢楼里。
► forsooth: it’s a kind of wine bar for royals, forsooth. 这可真是一家供王室用的酒吧。
► fortunately: fortunately, no shots were fired and no one was hurt. 幸亏没人开枪, 也没有人受伤。
► frankly: frankly, I was pleased to leave. 老实说, 我是乐意离开的。
► functionally: functionally, the role of the library service is clearly educational. 就功能而言, 图书馆服务的作用无疑是教育性的。
► fundamentally: fundamentally, this is a matter for doctors. 从根本上讲, 这是医生的事。
► funnily: funnily enough, I was starting to like the idea. 说来真怪, 我开始喜欢这个主意了。
► further: Ethnic minorities are more prone to unemployment. Further, this disadvantage extends to other areas of life. 少数民族成员更容易失业, 而且这种劣势还延伸至生活的其他领域。
► furthermore: It was also a highly desirable political end. Furthermore, it gave the English a door into France. 这也是个极其值得为之奋斗的政治目标。而且, 它还为英国打开了进入法国的门户。
► generally: the term of a lease is generally 99 years. 租借期限通常为99年。
► granted: granted, we are seeing the exceptional, but one fact must be faced. 确实我们碰到的是一个特例, 但我们必须面对一个现实。
► happen: happen I’ll go back just for a while. 也许我会回去一下。
► happily: happily, today’s situation is very different. 幸运的是, 现在情况大不一样了。
► historically: historically, government policy has favoured urban dwellers. 在过去, 政府的政策多有利于城市居民。
► honest: you’ll like it when you get there, honest. 你到那儿会喜欢的, 真的。
► honestly: honestly, darling, I’m not upset. 说实话, 亲爱的, 我不难过。
► hopefully: hopefully it should be finished by next year. 这事有望在明年完成。
► hypothetically: hypothetically, varying interpretations of the term are possible. 作为一种假设, 此名词可能会有不同解释。
► important: the speech had passion and, more important, compassion. 这场演说很有激情, 更重要的是, 体现出同情心。
► importantly: a non-drinking, non-smoking, and, importantly, non-political sportsman. 一个不喝酒, 不抽烟, 而且尤为重要的是, 不问政治的运动员。
► impossibly: he held her and, impossibly, she fell asleep. 他搂着她, 不可思议的是, 她竟睡着了。
► in toto: there was, in toto, an increase in legal regulation and public surveillance. 从整体上说, 依法管理与公众监督方面有所进步。
► incidentally: incidentally, it was many months before the whole truth was discovered. 顺便提一句, 好几个月后才揭开了真相。
► increasingly: increasingly, attention is paid to health and lifestyle 人们日益把注意力投向健康和生活方式
► incredibly: incredibly, he was still alive. 令人难以置信的是, 他竟然还活着。
► indubitably: indubitably, liberalism parades under many guises. 毫无疑问, 自由主义以许多不同形式表现自己。
► inevitably: inevitably, policy failures were attributed to the government. 不可避免地, 政策失败被归咎于政府。
► inexplicably: inexplicably, the pumps started to malfunction. 抽水机莫名其妙开始出故障。
► initially: initially, he thought the new concept was nonsense. 最初他认为这一新概念是一派胡言。
► interestingly: interestingly, the researchers did notice a link 有趣的是, 研究人员确实注意到(这之间)有某种联系
► ironically: ironically, the rescue craft which saved her was the boat she was helping to pay for. 真巧, 那艘救起她的救生船正是她资助购买的。
► largely: he was soon arrested, largely through the efforts of Tom Poole. 主要通过汤姆·普尔的努力, 他很快就被逮捕了。
► legally: legally, we’re still very much married. 从法律上讲, 我们的婚姻关系在很大程度上仍然是存在的。
► likewise: The banks advise against sending cash. Likewise, sending British cheques may cause problems. 银行建议不要寄送现金。同样, 寄往英国的支票也可能会出问题。
► logically: such a situation is logically impossible. 根本不可能存在这种情况。
► luckily: luckily they didn’t recognize me 很幸运, 他们没有认出我
► mercifully: mercifully, I was able to complete all I had to do within a few days. 幸运的是我能够在短短几天内完成我该做的一切。
► nationally: nationally, there has been a 2.5% drop in car crime. 就全国而言, 汽车犯罪率已经下降了2.5%
► naturally: naturally, I hoped for the best. 我当然希望最好的结果。
► nogal: the picture would be ready in three minutes and for free nogal. 图片三分钟就好, 而且免费。
► normally: normally, it takes three or four years to complete the training. 通常, 完成训练要花三到四年。
► nowadays: nowadays, many people condemn hunting. 如今很多人谴责狩猎。
► oddly: oddly enough, I didn’t feel nervous 真怪, 我一点儿也不紧张
► officially: there is a possibility he was murdered - officially, he died in a car smash. 他有可能是被谋杀的——按官方所说他是死于撞车事故。
► ordinarily: a person who is ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom. 一个通常住在英国的人。
► ostensibly: the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health. 该党的书记辞职了, 表面上是因为健康原因。
► outwardly: outwardly she seemed no different. 表面上她看起来没有什么不同。
► overall: overall, 10,000 jobs will go. 总的来说要失去一万个就业机会。
► paradoxically: paradoxically, the more fuel a star starts off with, the sooner it runs out. 奇怪的是, 一颗星烧起时燃料越多, 熄灭得越快。
► personally: personally, I think he made a very sensible move. 在我看来, 他作出了非常明智的举动。
► perversely: perversely, she felt nearer to tears now than at any other moment in the conversation 说起来有些怪, 现在她感到比谈话中的任何时刻都更想哭
► plainly: her mother was plainly anxious to leave. 她母亲显然急着要走。
► possibly: he found himself alone, possibly the only surviving officer. 他发觉他只有独自一人, 或许是唯一一个生存下来的军官了。
► practically: the law isn’t unreasonable or practically inconvenient. 这条法律并非不合理或不便实施。
► predictably: predictably, Margaret found an excuse to interrupt him 果如所料, 马格丽特找了个借口打断他
► predominantly: it is predominantly a coastal bird 这种鸟主要生活在海边
► pre-eminently: the nineteenth century was pre-eminently the Railway Age. 19 世纪首先是铁路的世纪。
► preferably: he would like a place of his own, preferably outside the town. 他很想有一个属于自己的地方, 最好是在城外。
► presumably: it was not yet ten o’clock, so presumably the boys were still at the pub. 当时还不到十点, 所以男孩们大概还在酒吧。
► principally: he was principally a landscape painter. 他主要是风景画家。
► privately: privately, Robert considered that she was overreacting. 私底下, 罗伯特认为她反应过激。
► probably: she would probably never see him again 她恐怕再也不肯见他了
► professedly: restrictions professedly designed to stop the use of political propaganda. 表面上说是为停止政治宣传而设计的限制条例。
► properly: algebra is, properly speaking,the analysis of equations. 代数, 确切地说, 就是方程解析。
► publicly: publicly, officials criticized the resolution, but privately they thought it tolerable. 官员当着公众的面批评这一决议, 私下里却认为可以接受。
► rather: There is no shortage of basic skills in the workplace. Rather, the problem is poor management. 工场缺乏的并不是基本技术, 相反, 问题在于管理不善。
► realistically: realistically, there was little prospect of any improvement. 现实点说, 没有多少改进的希望。
► really: really, there are only three options. 事实上, 只有三种选择。
► reasonably: it was assumed, reasonably enough, that the murder had taken place by the pond. 假定凶杀是在池塘边发生的, 这种假设理由足够充分。
► refreshingly: refreshingly, the party’s current spokesman is very frank. 令人感到新鲜的是, 这个党的现任发言人非常坦诚。
► regretfully: regretfully, mounting costs and diminishing traffic forced the line to close. 令人遗憾, 成本增加和客流量减少使航线被迫关闭。
► regrettably: regrettably, last night’s audience was a meagre one. 令人遗憾, 昨晚观众少得可怜。
► relatively: although Europe’s economy was growing, it was falling behind relatively 尽管欧洲经济也在增长, 但相对而言还是落后了
► remarkably: remarkably, they finished two weeks ahead of schedule 引人注目的是, 他们比计划提前两周完成了任务
► reportedly: he was in El Salvador, reportedly on his way to Texas. 他在萨尔瓦多, 据传正在前往得克萨斯的路上。
► ridiculously: ridiculously, I felt like crying. 荒唐可笑的是, 我竟想哭。
► roughly: the narrative is, roughly speaking, contemporary with the earliest of the gospels. 粗略地说, 这个故事与最早的福音书同时代。
► sadly: sadly, the forests of Sulawesi are now under threat. 遗憾的是, 苏拉威西森林现在正受到威胁。
► seemingly: it’s touch and go, seemingly, and she’s asking for you. 好像还不一定, 她正找你呢。
► seriously: seriously though, short cuts rarely work. 但是说真的, 捷径很少有用。
► similarly: The diaries of politicians tend to be self-justificatory. Similarly, autobiographies may be idealized. 政客们的日记倾向于自我辩解。同样, 自传也可能被美化。
► simply: quite simply, some things have to be taught. 简而言之, 有些东西还得教。
► statistically: these differences were not statistically significant. 这些差别在统计学上并无多少意义。
► strangely: strangely enough, people were able to perform this task without difficulty. 真够奇怪的, 人们轻而易举地就可以完成这项任务。
► strictly: strictly speaking, ham is a cured, cooked leg of pork 准确地说, 火腿是腌制加工过的熟猪腿
► suddenly: suddenly I heard a loud scream. 突然间, 我听到了一声尖叫。
► supposedly: the adverts are aimed at women, supposedly because they do the shopping. 这些广告是针对妇女做的, 据称是因为总是她们在购物。
► surely: if there is no will, then surely the house goes automatically to you. 如果没有遗嘱的话, 这房子无疑就自动归你了。
► surprisingly: not surprisingly, his enthusiasm knew no bounds 一点都不奇怪, 他激情无限。
► technically: technically, a nut is a single-seeded fruit. 准确地说, 坚果是单籽果实。
► thankfully: thankfully, everything went smoothly. 谢天谢地, 一切进展顺利。
► theoretically: theoretically we might expect this to be true. 从理论上说, 我们可以期待这成为现实。
► truly: truly, I don’t understand you sometimes. 的确, 有时我不理解你。
► typically: typically, she showed no alarm 她一如既往, 毫不惊慌
► undeniably: the topic is undeniably an important one. 毫无疑问, 这主题非常重要。
► understandably: understandably, Richard did not believe me. 理查德不相信我, 这可以理解。
► unfortunately: unfortunately, we do not have the time to interview every applicant. 遗憾的是我们没有时间一一面试每位申请人。
► unhappily: unhappily, such days do not come too often. 不幸的是, 这种日子不太多。
► unjustifiably: they seemed, unjustifiably, to be taking things out on the students. 他们似乎正在把一切都怪罪于学生, 真是毫无道理。
► unquestionably: unquestionably, the loss of his father was a grievous blow. 毫无疑问, 失去父亲对他是沉重打击。
► unsurprisingly: unsurprisingly, recession is the theme of most reports. 丝毫不令人奇怪, 大多数报告主题都是经济衰退。
► untypically: not untypically, one large painting took her five months. 画一幅大画花了她五个月的时间, 这是司空见惯的事。
► unusually: unusually for a city hotel, it is set around a lovely garden 很不寻常, 一座城市旅馆竟围绕着一个美丽的花园
► unwisely: unwisely, she repeated the remark to her mother. 不明智的是, 她把原话复述给母亲听。
► unwittingly: quite unwittingly you played right into my hands that night. 那天晚上, 你无意中让我占了便宜。
► verily: verily these men are mad. 这些人肯定是疯了。
► worse: The system will find it hard to sort out property disputes. Even worse, the law will discourage foreign investment. 在这体制下很难解决财产争端。更糟的是, 法律不鼓励外商投资。
► worst: her mother had rejected her, and worst of all, her adoptive father turned out to be a cheat and a deceiver. 她母亲抛弃了她, 最糟的是她的养父原来是个十足的骗子。
另外,enough 可以和 sentence adverb 连用表示强调。
curiously enough, there is no mention of him.说也奇怪, 竟然连提都没有提到他。
上面 151 个句子,下面一句我觉得说到我心坎儿里了。
► seriously: seriously though, short cuts rarely work. 但是说真的, 捷径很少有用。

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