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[专栏] 【075】词根词缀专栏[101-150]@柯林斯COBUILD高阶英汉双解学习词典(第8版)

发表于 2017-10-8 23:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


  • 词根 = root = word root
  • 词缀 = affix = 前缀(prefix) + 后缀(suffix)
英汉大词典(第 2 版)
► 【语】词根
► 【语】词缀
► 【语】前缀(如 disbelieve 中的 dis-)
► 【语】后缀,词尾
特别说明:下面的汉字均系人工查阅《柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典》(第 8 版)而后录入,如有错漏,还请见谅并指出。
  • let ≈ little  小: booklet, coverlet, droplet
  • dom ≈ state of being  …状态: boredom, freedom, wisdom
  • botan ≈ plant  植物: botanical, botanist, botany
  • ar, er ≈ one who acts as  充当…者: buyer, liar, seller
  • cal, caul ≈ hot 热,  heat  热量: calorie, cauldron, scald
  • site, situ ≈ position 位置,  location  地方: campsite, situation, website
  • cant, chant ≈ singing  唱: cantata, chant, enchant
  • cap ≈ head  头: capital, capitulate, captain
  • cap ≈ seize  抓住: captivate, captive, captor
  • carcino ≈ cancer  癌: carcinogen, carcinogenic, carcinoma
  • cardio ≈ heart  心脏: cardiology, cardiovascular, electrocardiogram
  • free ≈ without  无: carefree, duty-free, toll-free
  • carn ≈ flesh  肉: carnage, carnal, carnivore
  • vor ≈ eating  食: carnivore, herbivore, omnivorous
  • cas ≈ box 盒;箱,  hold  容纳: case, encase, suitcase
  • caust, caut ≈ burning  燃烧: caustic, cauterize, holocaust
  • caut ≈ taking care  小心: caution, cautious, precaution
  • cav ≈ hollow  空: cave, cavity, excavate
  • ship ≈ condition or state  情况;状态: censorship, citizenship, friendship
  • cent ≈ hundred  百: centipede, cents, percent
  • centi ≈ hundredth  百分之一;厘: centigrade, centilitre, centimetre
  • ped ≈ foot  足;脚: centipede, pedal, pedestal
  • centr ≈ middle  中心: central, concentric, ethnocentric
  • chem ≈ chemical  化学的: chemical, chemistry, chemotherapy
  • an, ian ≈ one of …之一,  relating to  有关…的: Christian, Mexican, pedestrian
  • chrom ≈ color  颜色: chromatic, chromium, monochrome
  • chron ≈ time  时间: chronic, chronicle, chronology
  • ette ≈ small  小: cigarette, kitchenette, statuette
  • cine, kine ≈ motion  运动: cinema, cinematography, kinetic
  • circ ≈ around  环绕: circle, circuit, circulate
  • circum ≈ around  环绕: circumcise, circumference, circumstance
  • loc ≈ speaking  说: circumlocution, elocution, interlocutor
  • civ ≈ citizen  公民: civic, civil, civilian
  • clar ≈ clear  清晰: clarify, clarity, declare
  • ify ≈ making  使: clarify, diversify, intensify
  • cleav ≈ splitting  裂: cleavage, cleave, cleaver
  • wise ≈ in the direction or manner of  朝(或在)…方向;以…方式: clockwise, likewise, otherwise
  • co ≈ together  一起: coauthor, co-dependent, collaborate
  • cod ≈ writing  书写: code, codicil, decode
  • cogn ≈ knowing  知道: cognition, incognito, recognize
  • er ≈ more  更: colder, higher, larger
  • est ≈ most  最: coldest, highest, largest
  • labor ≈ working  工作: collaborate, elaborate, laboratory
  • lapse ≈ falling  跌落: collapse, elapse, lapse
  • loqu ≈ talking  说话: colloquial, eloquent, loquacious
  • com ≈ with 和,  together  一起: combine, compact, companion
  • memor ≈ memory  记忆: commemorate, memorial, memory
  • miser ≈ wretched  可怜的: commiserate, miser, miserable
  • commun ≈ sharing  分享: communicate, communism, community
  • ism ≈ action or state  动作;状态: communism, optimism, patriotism

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